Model Rocket Components
Fins: provide stability during flight.
Engine mount: What the thrust of the engine is transmitted through.
Recovery Wadding: prevents hot gas from ejection charge from damaging the recovery system.
Engine Mount (Fixed): What the thrust of the engine is transmitted to the body through.
Parachute Lines: Connects the parachute to the nose cone.
Parachute: also called a streamer, part of the recovery system.
Nose Cone: is put into the body tube before flight.
Shock Cord: keeps all of the parts of the rocket together during recovery.
Launch Lugs: small tubes the launch rail is put into to stabilize the rocket while it launches.

Model Rocket Engine:
Engine Casing: a cylinder made up of heavy cardboard, contains the nozzle, propellant, and other explosive charges.
Engine Mount: has ejection of hot gas from engine.
Ejection Charge: is ignited with the delay charge is completed burned through.
Delay Charge: begins to burn with the flame front reaches the far left of the propellant.
Nozzle: a device used to accelerate hot gases and produce thrust.
Propellant: ejected from the rocket engine to produce thrust, packed into a solid cylinder.
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